On-Time Investigations LLC

What Happens at a Workers’ Comp Hearing?

What Happens at a Workers Comp Hearing in Maryland USA, Private Investigator In Maryland USA

Encountering a denied workers’ comp claim can be difficult in the wake of supporting an on-the-job injury or illness. Luckily, you have the choice to pursue, although the path to resolution can be intricate and time-consuming. What Happens at a Workers’ Comp Hearing? One significant stage in this process is the independent medical examination (IME), … Read more

Got Injured On The Job; What Are My Rights?

Got Injured in the Job what are my Rights in Maryland, Private Investigator

In the ever-evolving landscape of employment, unexpected workplace injuries have become an unsettling reality, with a staggering 2.6 million cases reported by employers in 2021. Imagine facing physical discomfort and the daunting confusion of your rights when injury strikes on the job. Got Injured On The Job; What Are My Rights? Whether you’re here driven … Read more

Do All Workers Comp End In a Settlement In Maryland?

Do All Workers Comp End In a Settlement In Maryland, Private Investigator

In workers’ compensation cases, resolutions usually find their way through settlements. Do All Workers’ Compensation Cases End in a Settlement? But does every journey end there? Not quite. While settlements prevail, some paths lead to the courtroom if agreements aren’t met. Employers and insurers might tout settlement as the only finale, yet it’s not the … Read more